What is Google’s Aalyria project?
Is it more powerful than 5G and what makes it different from it?
Will it be of great use to tech companies and corporations?
There are many questions right now about the Google Aalyria project and you must be thinking what’s in it for you?
Let us together take a deep dive into the world of Aalyria.
Not less than 2 years after Alphabet Inc., Google’s parent company, shut down the Loon project, which was developing a way to provide internet access to far flung regions using high-flying balloons (Loon LLC). Aalyria is reported to have been repurposing some of Loon's technology for its own telecommunication purpose.
The Aalyria software system was known as “Minkowski'' inside the Google premises and was created to connect the Loon balloons and other aerospace assets. The wireless networking technology was called Project Sonora and reportedly, has never before been disclosed to the public ever before.
Aalyria could be the fastest long-distance wireless communications system yet created!
What is Aalyria Tightbeam?
What does it do?
How does it do it and what differs it from 5G?
Still in progress…
With very few details on Aalyria still out & increasing competition with Elon Musk’s Starlink & Amazon’s communication system; Aalyria is entering into a technology race for space based hyper fast connectivity.
We may be stepping into a revolution of data storage & transmission reliant on cloud.
Aalyria implied earlier that it would leverage two main technologies, Spacetime and Tightbeam, which they have developed over the years to achieve its vision of a world and space connected in one communication network.
Spacetime technology is a software for orchestrating ground stations, satellites, urban meshes and aircraft networks. The software is facilitated to leverage communication networks at any altitude level and provide support to all bands of radio frequency and optical wavelengths.
According to Aalyria (the startup company), the software will integrate with hybrid space, legacy, 5G NTN and FutureG network architectures.
But while the Spacetime technology was well-tested inside Google, the Tightbeam technology hasn’t been proven in the real world.
Thinking about why you should rely on it and why tech companies and corporations lay their hands on it?
Tech companies and corporations can lay their hands in Aalyria Tightbeam once it is available in the market. Aalyria already has a contract to demonstrate its technology for the US military, thus, has secured an $8.7 million government defense contract.
Aalyria demonstrated its technology by sending a signal from the rooftop of its headquarters to a mountaintop 20 miles away and back. In another demonstration test, it sent a signal from the ground to a volleyball-size receiver on an airplane flying about 100 miles away.
The key technology behind Aalyria is that, for example, when a plane is about to lose its connection with a given satellite or ground station, a direct new signal towards the plane, without missing a beat, is sent. The startup is said to have run tests doing this type of work across dozens of satellites, planes, and ground stations, swapping signals as needed.
Google is said to retain a minority stake in Aalyria but in interviews, it has declined to say how much it has with itself and how much external funding the company has raised. Google reportedly has transferred nearly a decade’s worth of intellectual property, patents, & physical assets, to Aalyria.
When available for corporate use, it will have stocks at amazing rates, as predicted by NASDAQ.
Will Aalyria be a masterstroke for defence, communications, and safety?
Note for all - Don’t confuse Aalyria with Apple 14’s emergency satellite call.