That video, video streaming, and VOD are playing a very important part in the development of modern-day dissemination of education is an established matter by now. That video, video streaming, and VOD are proving to be very lucrative business prospects is also verified by now. How YOU can utilize this information to progress further is what we are out to process here.
Whether you are / are planning to be an entrepreneur, teacher, learner, content creator, or just an informed individual with all such options open, having some core ideas regarding educational video clear and strong can always benefit you.
Let us, therefore, see what research-reports have to say about how time-tested and effective educational video actually is, to enjoy its current position in the world of pedagogy.
The power of an audio-visual material when it comes to
has been noted and utilized way back since the times of the World War II, when soldiers were given filmstrips – as a training tool – to study.
Of course, technology, material, and content have undergone some significant development since the days of the World War II, resulting in the increasing availability, and utility of video for the purpose of instruction / education.
Let us take a look at how content related to video used for education has metamorphosed:
Similarly, the technology that is employed to deliver content has also undergone change. Let us take a look from the past to present times:
And now are the times of Digital Technology. Newer heights of adaptability in the delivery of video content are expected to be reached.
The last three decades have witnessed a steady rise in the use of educational video streaming and TV in the classroom. Recent study says that educational video is widely and frequently used in classrooms as it is a well-valued means of teaching more creatively, and more effectively.
Of such teachers who use video / TV for more than two hours on a weekly basis
Here is more research-report on educational video for you.
Using video streaming / video for education --
Video promotes learning. You have just witnessed how, through and with the ages, till date.
No matter how you choose to be associated with educational video, you can always benefit better from it. A sound knowledge of video and video streaming can help you with this.
We would be happy to share with you our knowledge and experience related to video streaming and everything related to it, should you get in touch with us at Ascentspark Software for a consultation – free of charge, of course. We can provide a fully customized end-to-end solution for your video streaming, distribution, delivery and monetization.